Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gibraltar IS a special place

Welcome to A Barbary Tail.

I have a list of things I want to achieve with this blog. Firstly, I'd like to point out the many reasons why Gibraltar is such a brilliant place to live. Secondly, I'd like to spend a little time trying to dispel the myths that some in our community are happy to create and hopefully persuade people to see the brighter side of life. So often we hear that 'this could have been done like that' and, maybe, 'I would have done that differently,' with a liberal use of the phrase 'we could do it better.'

There are many things in Gib that could be better, no doubt, but my belief is that certain goals can only be achieved if the community understands that it too owes a duty to itself and shares in the responsibility of making sure that Gib succeeds with the government of the day.

I'll be pointing out, over time, the very many ways in which, over the last fifteen years (since the removal of the previous GSLP government) we've developed as a community and as an international centre for business as well as created an economy which is standing the tests of both time and unprecedented global economic difficulty.

But what do I know? I'm just an ape with a stub for a tail...

1 comment:

  1. It would appear this ape with a stub for a tail also wears glasses with a certain blue and yellow tint.

    I too believe Gibraltar is a brilliant place to live - but that does not mean that we should regard it is a modern-day Utopia, alas there are plenty of things still wrong with it.

    I too believe that Gibraltar has progressed since 1996 - something would be seriously wrong if improvements of any kind had not been made in certain areas in the past 15 years. I also believe, however, that there are areas which have not been progressed enough, or at all. Likewise, I do not simply attribute those areas of progress to the GSD either. To do so would be simplistic and arrogant, and apes are usually neither.

    It is dangerous, but perhaps convenient for this Barbary Ape of the blue-and-yellow persuasion, to equate criticism of the government of the day with an attack on Gibraltar. Political parties (and their supporters) should never assume for themselves the role of exclusive symbols of territory and country, or try and paint political opponents as enemies of the state. Political criticism is not treason. After all, the present incumbent at No.6 was Leader of the Opposition once too, and did what Leaders of the Opposition do. Oppose.

    Nevertheless, let me take this opportunity to congratulate you on your blog, and to say that I look forward to the opportunity of locking horns (or perhaps stubbed tails) now and then.

    Even from the relative luxury of the Apes Den, certain matters may appear warped through those blue-and-yellow glasses of yours, and you may occasionally require a clear-sighted friend to set your vision straight.

    I just hope you don't get culled...


Feel free to let me know what you think. When you post, I'll review it and if it's 'safe' I'll post it to the blog. I'd love to know what you think